A few Cunton Ramsay quotes

Gordon Ramsay has become a global susperstar for his F-word rants.

Cunton Ramsay just seems to get ruder and ruder. Here are some of his most famous:

To a customer who complined about a lack of pumpkin in his risotto: “I’ll get you more pumpkin…and I’ll ram it up your fucking arse. How would you like it…whole or diced?”

To a waiter: “Hey you…is your brain up your fucking arse today?”

To a restaurant manager: “You haven’t got a fucking clue what is going on in your own restaurant. You are a fucking disgrace. How can you look at yourself in the mirror?”

To one of his chefs: “Hey you arsehole, you’ve lost it again haven’t you? Why don’t you fuck off home then? Why don’t you fuck off home then? Why don’t you fuck off home then?”

by Lorelle Heath


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