Women need sex more than men

We live in a culture that doesn’t admit that women need sex every bit as much as men, if not more.

Conservatives put women on a romantic pedestal. Women are virginal and sexless. Feminists deny women need men for anything.

“Women are made to feel guilty for needing men,” my friend said. “We’re portrayed as weak, co-dependent or lacking in self-esteem.”

My friends teenage son also inculcated this message from TV, “Women don’t need sex,” he said. “They’re just doing men a favor.”

Sex and love have become horribly confused. When religion held sway, they were inseparable… i.e. marriage.

But today “sexual liberation” has freed sex from love. It has taken love’s place. Millions of men and women behave like addicts. They use sex to assuage a desperate craving for love that only love can satisfy.

by Debbie Dot


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