Cheryl Cole…rubbish, but sexy

Cheryl Cole, ex-wife of England soccer star Ashley Cole, was divorced two months ago, and has a new tattoo to mark a new chapter in her life.

The tattoo is of flowers that have been etched onto barbed wire, and it’s wrapped around her thigh.

Even though she’s moved on, she admits that she calls and texts her exes when she’s drunk.

She’s promoting her new single, Promise, at the moment.This means that Cheryl will be doing lots of television, interviews and miming…or rather lip-syncing.

Unfortunately, I can’t ‘promise’ that her adoring fans will see the light, not buy the single and Cheryl will just disappear from the limelight…along with other useless talents who call themselves celebrities.

If she wears hardly anything when promoting her single then nobody will really care if she mimes or not, I suppose.

Cheryl Cole…a sexy chic with no musical talent whatsoever.

by Wallace McTavish


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